Thursday, January 10, 2013

Pre Settlement Walk Thru tomorrow.

January 11th is our walk thru.

I'm half excited half nervous.

I understand the intention of this is to get familiar with your new home and also to address any issues within the home.

My PM's work so hard and have been so accommodating that you feel rude pointing out something that isn't........perfect.  Hell you could pick apart anything in your life.

This internal struggle feels odd...............heck I'm odd I guess!

On the other hand people tell me you paid a lot for this house, it better be perfect............but where do you stop????  That little bump on the ceiling or imperfection on the trim?

Gesh, what is wrong with me today?

I actually feel bad that carpet has many seam marks, they have been called back once and I think they just "tried" to fix it, but then said vaccuming (the flooring co. )will help.

It hasn't ....I still see the seams and feel badly that I'm not satisfied, but I know you shouldn't see seams run along the middle of the room.  Why do I feel badly about this suddenly?

Anywayz enough with the Heavy...........

Pics to follow tomorrow....

Everything works out (I'm telling myself).......

Closing scheduled for Tuesday the 15th.........crossing my fingers!


  1. Would you rather pick it apart now and get it fixed or live with it and have to look at it every day? We are paying a lot of money for these houses and while I know we all want them to be perfect, they are man made and therefore won't be perfect. As our PM said drywall is basically one big imperfect surface so I know there will always be imperfections but I don't want to stare at things that are super obvious and could easily be fixed! So we taped things up like crazy during our walk-through. We stopped by today and a lot of it looks better, but seeing the walls in afternoon light allowed us to see even more imperfections. I think it's going to be never ending but I would rather get as much as possible fixed before I fill the house with all of my belongings because there is dust everywhere all over again. I sure hope they clean again. =)

    Good luck with your walk-through!

    1. Thanks M, we go at 1pm today and we have some things we want to point out. I get the impression its more of an informative walk thru and NOT a pick out mistakes?

    2. I agree with M, its important that you look for imperfections. This is your house and you have the right to move into a home that is up to your standards, high or not.

      Point out the things that bother you, it really is one of the purposes of the walk through.

    3. For us the walk-through was both... the PM wanted us to point out any issues we saw and he talked about how everything works, etc.

  2. Good luck with your walk through tomorrow. ENJOY YOURSELF! There is a lot to be covered which you won't remember (thank God for the big binder)!

    You can ask your PM to give you and your hubby some alone time to blue tape the house after he finishes his presentation that way you won't have to pick apart the house in front of him. :-) Also, you can blue tape the house after you take your pictures.

    Lastly, remember that you will have another long list after your 30 days in your home.

  3. Me too! I think our PM likes to make me feel like he's trying really hard and wants to make me happy, but at the same time hes pushing me to reduce my expectations for the actual end product. It seems contradictory, but he's really good at it.

  4. I think I apologized about 1,000 times during our pre walkthrough walkthrough! I felt bad about pointed out everything, but I also wanted as much fixed prior to move in as possible. Good luck. Hope everything goes well :)

  5. I had my pre-settlement walkthrough yesterday. I was too much in the 'moment' maybe to see everything that needed to be corrected but I did find a few things and like Nadase said, you have the 30 day punch list. I enjoyed being able to walk through and enjoy my home and see things that I stressed over really come togther.

  6. What! Vacuuming carpet doesn't make the seam better, I would think it would pull it apart...

    I asked our PM for a roll of blue tape today... he said not yet :( LOL

    And... where are the pictures?

    1. No pics of the walk thru yet, the PM's stayed behind and I wanted to really take my time and be alone taking pics, so closing day I will take time and take lots of pics from different angles.

      PM's agree even vacuuming didn't do the trick, still see all the seams....a resolution is on the way...we will see
