
Thursday, December 27, 2012

RH is reading our blogs :)

RH is at least reading my blog directly.

Hi RH readers!!

Since my post yesterday that indicated how worried I was about completing the house on time, I got a phone call from another PM, I have never spoken with before, I always speak with the other PM's on vaca.

I have seen him around the model but never spoke to him.  Anyway I get a phone call from him asking me if ........."I was ok?"

He indicated that he was responding to my BLOG and said NOT to worry!

I said.........."My Blog?....................."Yes, your blog, don't worry everything will be done."

Yes, this surprises me.......does it surprise you????


I have always been careful to NOT say any names, only SR and PM and LO no names.  My name is not on this blog or my township or plan name. Hmm?

I'm kinda impressed......extremely surprised.....have I said surprised enough?


This has been where I have come to vent and share my highs and lows, I hope RH doesn't put too much stock into my low moments and appreciate my highs.

There has been more highs than lows, but it is an emotional journey that I have documented into this blog.

Both my PM's rock, and if you read back in the blog, I have always said this.

MY SR is like my BFF! Love her.

And my loan processor at NVR has been fantastic and always had my back and help made my insurance situation come to resolve.  NVR bent over backwards to fix it for me once I got to the correct person on my side.

Overall I started this blog so I could put it into a "coffee table" book called a blurb.  And I could look back on my experience and emotions at the time.

And to share with other RH bloggers things to learn, we all know there is soooo much to learn, without this blog this experience would have not been the same.  My bloggers are my sane place to go when I am lost in this process.


RH please know that my PM's are so great.  They are pretty available to us 24/7 and my SR has answered me on her vacation as well as my PM also checking on me while he is on vacation.

My other PM called me today to give me an update even tho he is on vacation!  

Also my PM's have given me every special request I have had (with one exception) !!  Always working with me................ I would tell anyone to build a RH home at this point.

With all that being said........RH if you are reading this, and I know you are.......know that I will still blog and I might have concerns still from time to time and reach out to my fellow bloggers for advice without going to my PM or SR first......


Update from PM today.

First coat of paint went on today, I thought I had a coat of paint already, I guess that was just primer.

Drywall patch work being done today.

Siding was delivered ....may start tomorrow depending on weather here and should take 3 days......

Brick might have started up again today, has another 2 days to go...

Water tank usually is not installed until after the granite goes in...

Sidewalk will be done before closing...

Granite installed on the 9th...

Rock driveway in place and should fit 4 cars...

A Rough Grade will be made of the lot till spring time.....

Xtra brick will be saved for us so we can build and mailbox (upon our request)

He also told me not to worry it will all be done and done correctly....

Did I mention he is on vacation and wanted to let me know he is still checking on me...........

He did tell me to call or text him anytime while on vacation, but I am trying very HARD not too........


I am feeling better today, haven't been to the house, it's so cold here and snow and wet so I'm waiting till this weekend.

Panic has set in because I am like........"oh crap..." I'm moving soon..and I need..........X Y and Z still!!

Curtain shopping............gesh forget it!!  Can't wrap my brain around it.


In never know who is reading your blog!  But I wouldn't blog any differently, I have not disclosed names or plans or townships and believe I have been honest and have enjoyed this experience...
Sometimes a little over the edge, but hey.....I'm building a house here!


  1. I've seen at least one other blogger mention that RH is reading her blog... in fact I think there is a link to her blog on RH's blog!


    If you look at the bottom right corner you'll see a heading for "Blog Roll"... the "Our James Joyce" is the blogger I mentioned.

  3. Oh I remember her !! I think they list her because she has sooo many suggestions...

    Thanks M.

  4. That's so cool! I wanted to tell our PM at the pre-construction meeting that we would would be blogging about our experience but I forgot to mention it. I think it's great that RH is interested in our honest opinions. They truly seem sincere about wanting to please the buyers.

  5. DW, we were told at our pre-construction meeting that RH was reading our blogs and they knew we had a blog. I have nothing to hide and shared the information with our SR who I welcomed to visit my blog before the pre-construction meeting. A fellow blogger has some information on her blog that you will appreciate. It allows you to check the stats and how often RH is reading your blog. I totally agree that this blog has served an awesome place for new home builders to celebrate, vent, rant, celebrate, vent, rant and most importantly learn from one another in an environment that all of us can relate too. This blog has been the place to keep me sane throughout this year long journey and I am so grateful to have stumbled upon it. It has been and continues to be a fabulous resource for so many people. I also am grateful for the person/persons who thought of starting this blog on because it was a genius idea. The Ryan Homes blog is totally separate from this blog and Ryan Homes has a facebook page that some of our fellow bloggers participate in too. The resources social media offer to the world are just awesome.

  6. I'm really surprised that the PM called you to ease your concerns! Sounds like a very proactive guy!

    Hmmm...makes me wonder if our PM and SR know about our blog. :) I haven't mentioned it to them, but I suppose it wouldn't be hard to figure out. These blogs are probably well-known among RH and NVR employees. :)

  7. Well, the Interwebz is forever. Blogs are a fine place to vent. However emotion isn't transferable through words, at least not necessarily the way we want them to be taken. I've read blogs where I would infer some quite hurtful feelings toward RH or other bloggers.

    As with anytime we get upset or annoyed, taking time to put words on paper is a good idea, though I don't always recommend hitting send..

    I'm glad they were able to contact you. I know you have been upset about the progress. Looks like all is well.

    1. James and Megan, Looking back I may have done more venting than I should have given this is the internet and not simply a private page on Facebook. You are correct putting things into words and hitting SEND isn't always the best route, thanks for putting that into prospective for me. I will think before I hit SEND now. I forgot the entire world has access to this blog and not just my fellow RH bloggers. I won't be ranting any more and may share a little less. I'm kind of torn about my new awakening. Hubby warned me not to get too emotional on the internet...Gesh, sometimes he is right.....sometimes !

  8. DW - I'm curious who your SR is, because I might have the same one... and I'm always curious if they read my blog, but can't tell for sure :)

    1. Aand M, I dont think we could have the same SR, our plan there are only brick fronts......I have never listed what area I am in......but we can do personal email if you like, since we are both in the same region...!

  9. It does not surprise me that RH reads our blogs. I have a friend that I go to school with that also works for NVR. She told me when I gave a shout out to my "team" the link to my post with the shout out was sent to the whole office.

    So far I have had nothing negative to say, so I have no qualms about using first names at least. I probably wouldn't use names if it was truly negative.

    I see it as a good thing that a random PM called to check on you. Excellent customer service!!

  10. The individual RH employees are very concerned with keeping us happy, or at least giving us the feeling that they're trying really hard. My SR and PM told me they found my blog and I got the impression they were hoping for a polite veneer on some of my rants
