
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Lot Staked Equipment there ready to break ground

Today was a really good day!!!!!!!!

I got super good news on my existing house (not ready to post it yet, few more days...hahahahaha)

Our LOT was staked yesterday and me and the boys went out today to check it out.

Equipment is there too......woo hooo... scheduled to break ground on thursday!!

As many before me have said, how sad it is that...........we are so damn see equipment and wooden stakes...LOL

The last pic indicates our property line (the stake with the pink flag) blue stake is the end of the garage....I know some others on this blog indicated that their community did not do property markers AND house stakes, mine does :)  Sorry Megan :(

We met another neighbor today with some very interesting information....he is attempting to buy the lot next to him........which is fantastic because then there wont be a house there to obstruct my view....he seems pretty I back him up 100%...we will see how that plays out.

Also this newly met neighbor tells me that they built up the land next to me on purpose and believes that the next house wont be directly next to me............AGAIN, i agree 100%...but I seriously doubt that... :(

Also he extended his driveway also (on the side) and gave me a very nice price he paid if you catch the Asphalt guys at the right time................Im all over that!!!

Ok, a funny little downfall to this community, not really a downfall, but an adjustment...kinda funny...we are surround be a very popular productive FARM,we sit in the the middle of this very large farm, they sold the land and...................ok...............BUGS...LOL....Stink Bugs......holy cow, but it had just rained, huge mud puddles and bugs flying in my hair and face and yikes..........i hafta laugh... ;)

Also our neighbors back yard was flooded...yup...flooded, it had rained real bad and we have a hillside in the backyard but was assured there was proper drainage, well I took a pic and plan and addressing with PM, I feel bad for our neighbor they have small children and they wouldnt be  able to go in the backyard, but they were not outside so I dont know the story there..........Im a little worried about THAT....

oh Soap Dish too!!!  Ok so you get a soap dish when you tile your tub surround....well I dont want a soap dish... so I am getting a ledge instead......Approved!!!  Oh the little things

Its been a good day!!!

Hopefully more pics to come this weekend.

We have another meeting with our PM on Monday to go over electrical blueprint, it was not ready when we did our pre construction meeting...I have a few questions for my PM... :)


  1. Hi DW! What fantastic news!!!! HOLLA!!! Isn't it exciting! I am tickled pink for you!! The stakes, the old house, the deals in the making and requests granted at this stage!! Guess what! We have cows across the street from us such a strange site for a city girl like me! We are definitely building buddies, if not tomorrow we will break ground on Thurs.

    1. Btw go back to my last blog and read the response to the towel bars. I also reaize that our stakes were for the property line!

    2. You still have me laughing over here. Check our email.
