
How to add "following blogs" to your blog.

Many newbies ask me this question.

Here I will try to lay it out.

Anyone please chime in if I am wrong or an easier way to do it.


OK now your blog, trying to manuever through it is tough and takes some time getting used to.

in the top right corner of your main blog click on DESIGN.

next on your right hand side click on LAYOUT.

next click ADD GADGETS

scroll down to BLOG LIST and hit the + button to add this to your blog.

once you do that hit the SAVE ARRANGEMENT at the top of page.

now exit your blog and go back in again. this time we are going to add me as a blog you follow.

Go through the steps again to get to your LAYOUT PAGE.

You should now see this new BLOG list you created.

click on EDIT button real small in that gadget box.

scroll down to bottom as you will see ADD TO LIST click on it

it will ask URL , just copy and paste

then click ADD

then click SAVE near bottom

now click SAVE ARRAngement at the top of your layout page.

make sure you always do the SAVE ARRANGEMENT.

now when you go back into your VIEW BLOG you should see


and you should see my link under that.

Did this work??

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